Ventura Mysore

Home of the
Ventura Mysore Community


We meet. We practice. We share our struggles. We share our triumphs. We are real. 


What is Mysore?

The Mysore style of yoga asana practice is the way of teaching modern yoga within the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga tradition as taught by K. Pattabhi Jois. This method differs from the usual way of teaching yoga. The class is not "led" as a whole, but rather all instruction is one-on-one within the group class setting. Students practice their own assigned portion of the Ashtanga sequence of asanas at their own pace. The teacher assists each student individually by giving physical adjustments & verbal instruction.
In a Mysore style room, students learn the set order of asanas combining movement with free breathing and sound. Through vinyasa, there is continuity via the breath from asana to asana. In the Ashtanga sequence, each asana builds from the previous one.

In Victoria’s words, “Ashtanga in its very essence, is magic. The daily rituals that make up your practice on and off the mat make the entirety of your experience sacred.  This practice changes your life within just as much as you actively change your own practical life to accommodate it.  When one travels to Mysore to practice at the source, there is a very special energy surrounding your everyday, your physical and inner practices commonly called Mysore Magic. This energy can certainly be felt in our own humble practice space.“